Welcome back, everyone, to our Second Annual Temp Track Awards for Excellence in the Field of Scoring, coming to you live, this year, from a hotel suite at Temp Track Plaza – upgrading from last year’s broom closet. Continue reading “The Second Annual Temp Track “Tempi” Awards!!!!!!!”
Category: Tempi Awards
The First Annual Tempi Awards!
And now, the 1st Annual Temp Track Awards for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence (in Film Scores), coming to you live from Ball Room X (the storage closet) at the Ye Olde Off-Ramp Inn in Springfield, USA.
Welcome folks to The Temp Track’s first Year End Awards Spectacular! I had a musical number all prepared, but Hugh Jackman and Neil Patrick Harris both backed out at the last minute. So let’s just get down to business.
Disclaimer: I do not claim to have heard every score and release put out this year, so there are probably scores that I should consider but haven’t because of ignorance. If there is something that I have overlooked, let me know so I can add it to my listening list. Also, this is mainly going to be Film Scores, but occasionally I may sneak in a TV or Video Game score. There will be three or four nominees in the categories and one winner except for Composer of the Year, which only the winner will be named.
First we have Score Release of the Year. This category is for a score release, either a new score or re-release of older score. The basic criterion for this category is the importance of the release to the world of Film Music, be it the music itself or a re-release of an important score either in a new or expanded format.
The Nominees Are:
Airplane! (Complete Score) – Elmer Bernstein (La La Land Records)
Back to the Future (Complete Score w/Alternate Takes) – Alan Silvestri (Intrada)
Battlestar Galactica: Season 4 – Bear McCreary (La La Land Records)
Freud – Jerry Goldsmith (Varese)
And the Tempi© Goes To:
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Complete Score) – James Horner
Our Next Category is for Score of the Year, and this one is pretty self-explanatory: best new film (TV episode or Video Game) score of the year.
Nominations Go To:
Avatar – James Horner (Lightstorm Entertainment/20th Century Fox)
Battlestar Galactica, “Daybreak” – Bear McCreary (SyFy Channel/Universal Studios)
Star Trek – Michael Giacchino (Bad Robot/Paramount Pictures)
Sherlock Holmes – Hans Zimmer (Silver Pictures/Warner Bros. Pictures)
And the Winner Is:
Moon – Clint Mansell (Liberty Films/Sony Pictures Classics)
And finally, the first ever Alfred Newman Tempi© Award for Composer of the Year goes to Michael Giacchino. Mr. Giacchino wrote three great scores for Summer release films (Star Trek, Up, and Land of the Lost) along with his continuing work on TV’s Lost and Fringe, and it is for the continuing high quality of work that his achievements are recognized by The Temp Track. Keep up the good work. I will offer this challenge to Mr. Giacchino should he ever perchase to visit this humble blog, though: I love what you’ve done in the past, but now that you’re established in film and television, it’s time to stretch and explore new sonic worlds.
Okay, now before we go I’m going to go out on a limb, look like a fool, and make some bold predictions for who will get the Oscar nominations for Best Original Score. Without further adieu, here we go: Avatar, Moon, Sherlock Holmes, Up, and Alexandre Desplat’s Coco Before Chanel (I haven’t actually heard the score or seen the film for this one except for excerpts on iTunes, but people seem to have liked it and I needed a fifth).
Well that’s it from the scenic Ye Olde Off-Ramp Inn. I hope you enjoyed the show, have a good time at the after parties and a safe journey home.
Note: I still have yet to see Sherlock Holmes so I have yet to post my review. Hopefully I’ll see it this weekend and have a review up early next week.
To Infinity and Beyond…
I’m going to try to get at least two more posts up before the end of the year. First (hopefully in the next few days) will be a review of Avatar (both score and thoughts on the film), and later will come the First Annual Temp Track Year End Awards Spectacular, wherein I will be bestowing awards for ‘Score Of The Year,’ ‘Composer of the Year,’ and ‘CD Release of the Year.’ Look for that sometime around the very end of the month.
It hasn’t been quite one year since the first post went up on this blog (that anniversary will be on January 10, 2010), but it has been about a year since I first started thinking about starting ‘The Temp Track,’ of course back then it was an idea without a name. It has been quite a year, though. Things started slow, but picked up as the summer came, and the site started averaging over 100 visits a month (pretty good by my estimation, though puny in the global scope of the internet). But then the Fall semester hit and I wasn’t able to update nearly as often and things went down…quickly, and for that I apologize loyal reader(s?). But I think it is about time to try to take the next step with this whole blog thing, and that is new content every week, though cannot do it alone.
This is why I would like some recruits to join me here at the Temp Track, ideally two or so. Basically this would entail rotating duties on a new Film Score Friday Top 5 list and a “feature” post every week. This would give each person a few weeks to prepare a new post and list to be posted (though not in the same week). The goal is to turn this little blog into a new and shiny home for film/tv/and other media scoring reviews, analysis, and possibly news about upcoming releases.
Interested parties should comment on this thread, or contact me via other channels should you have the means. I’m sure that WordPress allows for multiple users per account, but I’m not sure how…something else to figure out.